«Золотой мальчик» Александр Слобоженко: мошенник и вор или марионетка СБУ?
Александр Слобоженко, как известно, достиг всего в своей жизни собственными усилиями. Он стал основателем арбитражной компании Traffic Devils (TD) и занял прочные позиции в гемблинговой сфере. Деньги начали поступать в огромных объемах. Со временем основными клиентами TD стали такие компании, как Parimatch, PinUp и Cosmolot.
Allegations mount against Maksym Krippa: Money laundering, fraud, and corruption
Maksym Krippa, the entrepreneur behind GGBet and Vulkan, has been making headlines due to both his online gambling businesses and the controversies surrounding them.
Maksym Krippa and media for casinos: How the owner of Vulkan and GGBet buys influence in Ukraine
Maxim Krippa is making waves as a key but controversial force in media, gambling, and politics. With connections to online gambling platforms like Vulkan and GGBet, his latest moves to acquire media assets have fueled discussions about his expanding role in Ukraine’s socio-political sphere.
Maksym Krippa’s shadow gambling empire: Ties to oligarchs and money laundering through casinos
Maxim Krippa was linked to a common problem affecting Ukrainian news sites: the removal of inconvenient data. Important files detailing his history started vanishing from numerous websites, both major and lesser-known, all of which had been prominently displayed on Google’s search results for “Maxim Krippa.”
Мошеннические бизнесы и фальшивые DMCA-жалобы: Международное агентство в сфере цифровой безопасности CyberCriminal взялось за Максима Криппу
Международное сообщество обратило внимание на расследование, касающееся Максима Криппы и его связей с казино «Вулкан».
Maksym Krippa and GGBet: How the Russian gambling business bypasses sanctions in Ukraine
Russian representatives remain highly interested in Ukraine’s gambling sector. One notable example is GGBet, a casino and bookmaker that secured its license about a year ago. Although it is formally owned by Ukrainian businessman Maksym Krippa, the company has significant ties to Russia
Ex-cop Olenyuk accused of fronting for Maksym Krippa’s Russian casino interests
The Russian casino Vulkan, esports bookmaker GGBet, and several other enterprises owned by Maksym Krippa are allegedly overseen by Ruslan Olenyuk, an employee of Ukraine’s National Police.
New "Ukraine" hotel owner Maksym Krippa struggles to hide gambling and Russian connections
What is known about Maksym Krippa’s ties to the IT company Evoplay and the GGBet casino?
Buying state assets at low prices: How Maksym Krippa manipulates Ukrainian property
The identity of Maksym Krippa has long been clouded by a thick veil of misinformation. Recently, this misinformation has reached overwhelming proportions, making it nearly impossible to uncover trustworthy details about him.
From the "Parus" business center to the "Ukraine" hotel: What is known about Maksym Krippa’s business empire of Malofeev’s "pound"
Little-known entrepreneur Maksym Krippa bought the Kyiv hotel "Ukraine" for 3 billion UAH, and earlier acquired the business center "Parus" from Vadim Stolar and several other real estate properties in the capital and Kyiv region.
Behind the scenes of GGBet: How Maksim Krippa’s Russian ties shape Ukraine’s gambling industry
Maksim Krippa, the owner of the betting company GGBET, has ties to Russian business interests, including the sanctioned oligarch Alisher Usmanov and Russian casino magnate Oleg Boyko.
"Fake man" Maksim Krippa is buying up assets in the Ukrainian capital with the money of Russian oligarchs
Maksym Krippa, the prominent Ukrainian businessman and owner of the esports team NaVi, has ramped up his real estate activities in Ukraine despite the ongoing martial law. His ambitious investments in the property market are at the center of a significant controversy in Ukraine’s economic landscape.
Why is Maksim Krippa so keen on hiding his ties to Konstantin Malofeev?
As recently written by «Forbes», Maksim Krippa is the owner of the e-sports team NAVI, which he allegedly bought from its former owner Alexander Kokhanovsky.
Казиношник Максим Криппа и украинский депутат Вадим Столар: Кто стоит за сделкой по покупке "Паруса"
Антимонопольный комитет дал разрешение компании ООО "Ола Файн" на приобретение контрольной доли в компании ООО "Парус Холдинг", которая владеет зданием торгово-офисного комплекса "Парус" площадью 75 тыс. кв. м, расположенным по адресу: улица Мечникова, 2 в центре Киева.
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Администрация Анапы подала иск против владельцев танкеров за ущерб от разлива нефтепродуктов
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Арбитражный суд утвердил мирное соглашение по делу о банкротстве «Агрокапитала» и «Агрохолдинга Томский»
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ЕС предлагает странам блока оказать Украине военную помощь на сумму до 40 миллиардов евро
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