Sincere Systems S-Group
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Sincere Systems is another pyramid scheme by swindler Roman Felik
A group of concerned citizens wrote to the editorial office that they had become victims of the sweet talk of a certain Roman Felik.
The path from Sincere Systems to S-Group: the new Felik and Mashurov pyramid in the Forex market
Since about last spring, a "new financial startup" S-Group has been actively advertised on the Internet. People are being offered to invest money and receive a massive passive income of up to 150% per annum.
Financial pyramid S-Group: What is behind the activities of founders Roman Felik and Vadym Mashurov
Since the spring of last year, the "new financial startup" S-Group has been actively advertised on the Internet. People are invited to invest their money and receive a huge passive income of up to 150% per annum.
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